LeanCloud 官网
LeanCloud is the leading backend-as-a-service provider that offers a complete set of cloud services including object storage, file storage, web hosting, container, instant messaging, push notification, SMS, and game backend.
- 2022-05-02 - 收藏LeanCloud 中国官网
LeanCloud - LeanCloud - 为开发加速 www.leancloud.cn领先的 BaaS 提供商,提供数据存储、文件存储、云引擎、容器、即时通讯、消息推送、短信、游戏云等多项服务,为移动开发提供强有力的后端支持。
- 2022-05-02 - 收藏Tasker 官网
Tasker is an application for Android which performs tasks (sets of actions) based on contexts (application, time, date, location, event, gesture) in user-defined profiles or in clickable or timer home screen widgets. This simple concept profoundly extends your control of your Android device and it\'s capabilities, without the need for \'root\' or a special home screen.
- 2022-05-02 - 收藏AirDroid 官网
AirDroid 是在全球范围都备受好评的 Android 设备管家,在电脑可以接收设备的通知、回复短信,电脑与设备高效互传文件,远程控制功能更能实现电脑完全控制 Android 设备。
- 2022-05-02 - 收藏TeamViewer 中国官网
- 2022-05-02 - 收藏TeamViewer 官网
TeamViewer远程连接控制软件是一款随时随地连接到远程桌面电脑、移动设备及Iot,让远程连接过程更加的快速和安全,轻松实现对文件、网络及程序的实时支持或访问。 www.teamviewer.com
- 2022-05-02 - 收藏WinPcap 官网
winpcap(windows packet capture)是windows平台下一个免费,公共的网络访问系统。开发winpcap这个项目的目的在于为win32应用程序提供访问网络底层的能力。它用于windows系统下的直接的网络编程。
- 2022-05-01 - 收藏Penetration Testing Tools Cheat Sheet
Welcome to HighOn.Coffee a Security Research and Penetration Testing Site, containing CTF walkthroughs and useful information.Penetration Testing Tools Cheat Sheet https://highon.coffee/blog/penetration-testing-tools-cheat-sheet/
- 2022-05-01 - 收藏BeEF - The Browser Exploitation Framework Project
BeEF is a security tool, allowing a penetration tester or system administrator additional attack vectors when assessing the posture of a target
- 2022-05-01 - 收藏Sqlmap 官网
sqlmap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of database servers. It comes with a powerful detection engine, many niche features for the ultimate penetration tester and a broad range of switches lasting from database fingerprinting, over data fetching from the database, to accessing the underlying file system and executing commands on the operating system via out-of-band connections.
- 2022-05-01 - 收藏