- 2017-11-22 - 收藏维多利亚的秘密中国官网
维多利亚的秘密中国官网 - Victoria\'s Secret性感的文胸,内衣和彩妆www.victoriassecretcn.com 维密官网 The world's best bras. The sexiest panties & lingerie. The most beautiful Supermodels. Discover what's hot now - from beauty & sleepwear to sportswear & swim.Victoria’s Secret是享誉全球的女性内衣品牌,专注于内衣、高级香氛、身体护理、美妆配饰及运动休闲服饰等领域, 一年一度的时尚大秀和性感迷人的天使超模让其成为全球瞩目的焦点。
- 2017-11-22 - 收藏德国国家旅游局官方网站
德国国家旅游局官方网站www.germany.travelOn behalf of the German federal government, the GNTB (德国国家旅游局北京办事处) has been working internationally to promote Germany as a travel destination for more than 60 years. It communicates the diverse appeal of the country to a worldwide market, thereby promoting a strong and attractive brand – \'Destination Germany\'. The GNTB plays an important role in the promotion of Germany as a travel destination on the international market. Its activities include the development of new marketing strategies and concepts based on specific themes, events and attractions and also bringing together and optimising the diverse marketing activities of partners in the German travel industry. It also takes an active role in the form of far-ranging sales activities in new growth markets. In this respect, the GNTB relies on its close collaboration with the German travel industry, partners from commerce and trade associations.
- 2017-11-18 - 收藏山西旅游网-山西省旅游发展委员会官方网站
- 2017-11-18 - 收藏