哈尔滨工程大学教务处 中国·黑龙江省·哈尔滨市·南岗区南通大街145号 邮编:150001 ·院系导航 哈尔滨工程大学教务处 TEL:(86)0451-82519243... jw.hrbeu.edu.cn
- 2014-04-10 - 收藏哈尔滨工程大学自主招生系统
哈尔滨工程大学自主招生系统zzzs.hrbeu.edu.cn 若有任何疑问,请联系我们。 电 话:0451-82519740 传 真:0451-82533070 邮 箱:zhaoban@hrbeu.edu.cn
- 2014-02-07 - 收藏全国计算机等级考试河北省网上报名及支付系统
全国计算机等级考试河北省网上报名及支付系统 河北省全国计算机等级考试(NCRE)实行网上报名,考生报名前应仔细阅读下列注意事项: 一、报名时间及有关要求: 第一阶段:2013年12月1日至12月15日每天8:00-... sk.hebeea.edu.cn
- 2013-12-10 - 收藏Berklee College of Music
Founded on the revolutionary principle that the best way to prepare students for careers in music was through the study and practice of contemporary music. For over half a century, the college has evolved constantly to reflect the state of the art of music and the music business. With over a dozen performance and nonperformance majors, a diverse and talented student body representing over 70 countries, and a music industry 'who's who' of alumni, Berklee is the world's premier learning lab for the music of today and tomorrow.
- 2013-10-29 - 收藏