天津理工大学信息门户my.tjut.edu.cn学校信息门户以及应用系统开放时间每日8:00到18:00 新录取的高考考生,若遇到登录及使用问题,请咨询学校学工部,电话:60216000。 在校师生若遇到登录问题,请咨询信息技术研究所。 办公室电话:13072079299(冷老师);60216829 邮箱:zxx@tjut.edu.cn 备注: 1、 采用通过邮箱找回密码的方式,如果在收件箱里没有收到邮件,请查 看垃圾箱。 2、 工作时间:周一~周五 8:00~11:30,14:00~17:30
- 2016-08-20 - 收藏北京世青国际学校官网
Beijing World Youth Academy is an international school with a reputation for results. Locally grounded, globally aware. IB World School. Established 2001.www.ibwya.net
- 2016-08-09 - 收藏The International School of Macao: 澳門國際學校
TIS is a vibrant and rapidly growing school with over 1000 students from 44 different countries. Fully accredited with the Ministry of Education in Alberta, Canada, TIS offers a well-rounded curriculum for students in PreK to Grade 12.The International School of Macao: 澳門國際學校www.tis.edu.mo
- 2016-08-09 - 收藏Singapore International School(Hongkong)
Singapore International School(Hongkong)Singapore International School was first established in September 1991 in Kennedy Town with an enrolment of 200 pupils. In 1995, SIS moved to its current premises in Aberdeen. The new purpose-built school was built on land granted by the Hong Kong government, and the cost of the building was borne by the Singapore Government. In 2012, our secondary campus was officially open. The two campuses are connected by a link-bridge. Presently, the school has an enrolment of approximately 1320 pupils of more than 20 nationalities with Singaporeans and Hong Kong citizens forming the majority.
- 2016-08-09 - 收藏昆山加拿大国际学校官网
Canadian International School Kunshan (CISK) 昆山加拿大国际学校 Founded in 2012, Canadian International School Kunshan (CISK) is affiliated with St. John’s Kilmarnock School (SJK), a prestigious IB World school in Ontario, Canada. Located in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, CISK is the first licensed international school by Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education, and is the only international school in Kunshan city.
- 2016-08-09 - 收藏中加枫华国际学校官网
中加枫华国际学校官网www.sinocanada.cn中加枫华国际学校:华东最悠久、面积最大、外教最优、毕业生最多、西式课程最丰富国际学校,创建于2003年,是经中、加两国教育主管部门批准,华东地区唯一 一所能够同时向中国学生和国际学生提供加拿大中学课程和学历教育的国际学校。学校占地300亩,建筑面积近8万平方米,学校设有幼儿园、小学、初中、高中四大学部,BC课程质量连续5年蝉联所有BC海外学校第一名。
- 2016-08-09 - 收藏广州加拿大人国际学校官网
Canadian International School of Guangzhou - 广州加拿大人国际学校 www.cisgz.com 广州加拿大人国际学校于2012年开业,目前提供学前班至3年级的课程教育,2014年9月开始招收4,5年级的学生。目前校址在番禺加拿达外国语学校校内,预计2015年校舍建筑工程完工后将迁至金山谷校区。
- 2016-08-09 - 收藏