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- 2022-08-17 - 收藏KEDGE法国凯致商学院
法国凯致商学院(KEDGE Business School)由法国两所知名百年商校——马赛商学院(Euromed Management)和波尔多高等管理学院(Bordeaux Ecole de Management)于2013年7月正式合并成立。两所学院皆雄踞法国十大商学院之列,在各自领域卓有建树,在国际上享有盛名。
- 2019-06-06 - 收藏SPACE TODAY ONLINE
STO covers Space from Earth to the Edge of the Universe SPACE TODAY ONLINE - Space Today Online covering Space from Earth to the Edge of the Universe
- 2017-09-12 - 收藏Fortune
Fortune 500 Daily & Breaking Business News the ledger, photography, design, executive travel, franchise lists, magazine, real estate, sports, the 21st century corporation, luxury, travel, energy, venture, features, health, fortune insiders, entertainment, autos, careers
- 2017-09-11 - 收藏