The International School of Macao: 澳門國際學校
TIS is a vibrant and rapidly growing school with over 1000 students from 44 different countries. Fully accredited with the Ministry of Education in Alberta, Canada, TIS offers a well-rounded curriculum for students in PreK to Grade 12.The International School of Macao: 澳門國際學校
- 2016-08-09 - 收藏厦门国际学校官网
Xiamen International School (XIS) was established in August 1997 and is located on the southern coast of China in Fujian Province. XIS was the first international school in Fujian Province to be authorized by the Ministry of Education to accept expatriate students. It is rapidly joining the ranks of the world’s finest schools according to international school standards. We employ credentialed teachers and administrators from around the world, including the United States, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, and China. XIS also employs local assistant teachers for each of the elementary homerooms. Our program supports students from twenty-nine different countries and regions including the United States, Taiwan, South Korea, Australia, United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Germany, Ethiopia, Angola, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Japan and Latin America.
- 2016-08-09 - 收藏深圳深美国际学校官网
shenzhen international school,shekou international school,international school shenzhen, shenzhen-Shenzhen American International shool-Shekou
- 2016-08-09 - 收藏全国工程专业学位研究生教育网
全国工程专业学位研究生教育网 全国工程硕士专业学位教育指导委员会是国务院学位委员会和教育部领导下的专家指导和咨询组织。秘书处挂靠在清华大学研究生院。通信地址:北京市海淀区清华园1号清华大学李兆基大楼大楼B222房间 邮政编码:100084 联系电话:010-62782041 电子邮件
- 2016-08-05 - 收藏中国教育干部网络学院
中国教育干部网络学院中国教育干部网络学院具有在线学习、培训管理、教学考核、交流互动、信息发布、数据统计等功能,可满足教育干部网络在线学习、移动学习等多种学习方式,也可满足各地、各高校及培训机构开展培训信息管理、培训需求调研、全程过程管理等需求。中国教育干部网络学院是国家教育行政学院为贯彻落实党的“十八大”精神和中央及教育部关于大规模培训干部的要求,根据教育部党组的指示精神,在2005年建设的中国教育干部培训网的基础上开发建设的培训各级各类教育干部的大型专业网院。 中国教育干部网络学院以邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观为指导,全面贯彻落实《教育规划纲要》,紧密结合教育改革发展的实际,遵循干部成长和教育干部培训规律,运用先进的网络技术,整合优质的培训资源,以提高培训质量为核心,切实提高干部培训的针对性和实效性,为教育改革发展服务,为干部成长提高服务,形成教育干部培训新格局。 中国教育干部网络学院设干部培训资讯、培训资源、交流互动与成果展示四大功能版块。栏目有学院概况、我的课堂、课程总库、培训项目、培训专题、案例库、专家方阵、明星学员、互动社区、直播课堂、数字文献等,充分发挥“大规模”、“泛交流”、“自主化”网络培训的优势。
- 2016-07-25 - 收藏