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- 2013-10-29 - 收藏Eastman School of Music
Eastman School of Music Certificate in College and/or Community Music Teaching Certificate in World Music Diploma in Ethnomusicology Dual Degree Orchestral Studies Diploma Sacred Music...
- 2013-10-29 - 收藏Berklee College of Music
Founded on the revolutionary principle that the best way to prepare students for careers in music was through the study and practice of contemporary music. For over half a century, the college has evolved constantly to reflect the state of the art of music and the music business. With over a dozen performance and nonperformance majors, a diverse and talented student body representing over 70 countries, and a music industry 'who's who' of alumni, Berklee is the world's premier learning lab for the music of today and tomorrow.
- 2013-10-29 - 收藏上海好莱坞音乐进修学校官方网站
- 2013-10-29 - 收藏新加坡莱佛士音乐学院
新加坡莱佛士音乐学院www.srmc-edu.org是由新加坡私立学校委员会批准的唯一一所专门培养音乐艺术人才的高等专业音乐学府。本院在新加坡私立学校委员会注册,并获得新加坡消费者协会保障证书(Case Trust)的资格院校。本院课程设置丰富,具有高雅的教学环境,先进的教学条件和优质的生活环境,为学生的就业前景描绘出美好的蓝图。 本学院师资力量雄厚,教育阵容强大,拥有众多知名专业音乐教育家担任授课教师及客座教授,流行音乐专业是莱佛士音乐学院强力打造的一个具备顶级教学力量及教学特色的课程。绝对保证教学品质,使学生不仅能够学习到专业的艺术技能,还能提高学生英语水平,使学生听说读写流利自如。学院还定期邀请国际知名的学府大师亲临授课,开设大师班等特色教学,也为学生创造了更多走向世界、展示自我的机会。
- 2013-10-29 - 收藏