上海师范大学统一身份认证平台my.shnu.edu.cn信息化办公室,联系:64321010或 itoffice@shnu.edu.cn上海师范大学是市重点建设的高校,是一所以文科见长并具教师教育特色的文、理、工、艺学科协调发展的综合性大学。学校已进入上海市教育综合改革部市共同支持的高校行列。 上海师范大学创建于1954年,时名上海师范专科学校,1956年扩建为上海第一师范学院和上海第二师范学院,1958年两所学院合并成立上海师范学院。1972年至1978年与华东师范大学等五校合并成立上海师范大学。1978年恢复上海师范学院。1984年改名为上海师范大学。1994年10月,与上海技术师范学院合并成立新的上海师范大学。1997年9月至2003年8月,上海师范高等专科学校、南林师范学校黄陵卫生保健师范部、上海行知艺术师范学校、上海旅游高等专科学校等先后并入或划归我校管理。学校下设17个二级学院、130个研究机构。另设上海师范大学青年学院是我校与共青团上海市委共建的、旨在培养高层次青少年教育与研究人才的二级学院。上海师资培训中心和《高等学校文科学术文摘》编辑部等机构也设在我校。学校还建有广泛社会影响的老年大学。
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Dulwich College Beijing is a British International school offering a curriculum based upon the English National Curriculum.www.dulwich-beijing.cn
- 2016-08-09 - 收藏SCIS
On behalf of the Shanghai Community International School (SCIS) and the Hangzhou International School (HIS), I welcome you to our website. Our intent is to maintain webpages and links that reflect the unique teaching and learning experiences at SCIS and HIS schools. While we have done our best to share our environment with you, SCIS and HIS schools are best experienced in person. Current and prospective SCIS and HIS parents are most welcome on our campuses and there are daily events and activities to take part in (including just relaxing in the café and casually observing student-community life). Over the years, we have made great strides in a number of very important areas while maintaining excellence in others. I am pleased to briefly update you on some of these highlights:
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shenzhen international school,shekou international school,international school shenzhen, shenzhen-Shenzhen American International shool-Shekou
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Rainbow Bridge International School (RBIS) in Shanghai. International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP) from preschool to Grade Six students.Hong Qiao International School-上海虹桥国际学校www.rbischina.org
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