澳门旅游学院官网Institute for Tourism Studies
澳门旅游学院Institute for Tourism Studies (IFT), established in 1995, is a public institution of higher education that falls under the governance of the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture of the Macao Special Administrative Region Government, People’s Republic of China. IFT offers degree and professional programmes in a wide range of tourism-related disciplines such as hospitality, tourism business,
- 2015-01-31 - 收藏HKUST香港科技大学官网
香港科技大学(The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology),简称香港科大,是一所享誉世界的研究型大学。该校强项为商科及工科。学校成立于1991年,并自2011年起连续三年位列QS亚洲大学排名第一名。校园位于风景如画的香港西贡清水湾,眺望大埔仔牛尾海。创校校长,吴家玮。
- 2015-01-31 - 收藏