Working Nomads curates lists of the most interesting remote job offers in many professional career areas. We connect professionals who want to work remotely with innovative companies offering independent positions.
- 2022-06-09 - 收藏PowerToFly官网
PowerToFly是一个为女性兼职平台,让妈妈们能够找到可以远程办公的工作,便于兼顾家庭和事业。PowerToFly is where you receive expert career advice, free video training, coaching and exclusive access to jobs and events at top companies.
- 2022-06-09 - 收藏Virtual Vocations
Best work from home jobs and remote jobs in over 50 categories for professionals, digital nomads, telecommuting workers and entry level jobseekers. Education, healthcare, medical, customer support and tech job openings.
- 2022-06-09 - 收藏We Work Remotely
Find the most qualified people in the most unexpected places: Hire remote! We Work Remotely is the best place to find and list remote jobs that aren't restricted by commutes or a particular geographic area. Browse thousands of remote work jobs today.
- 2022-06-09 - 收藏HwLib(慧兰博)自动化平台
HwLib(慧兰博)技术团队(HwLib Tech. Team)成立于2016年,是国内最顶级的工业自动化技术团队。团队成员均为行业内资深工程师,具有非标制造、汽车、冶金、化工、环保等诸多行业的多年项目背景。团队自成立以来旗下出品了包括WinCC数据报表控件、HwLib高级工业报表控件、WinCC高级表格控件、工业4.0地图控件、二维码控件、工业自动化基础组件库、工业自动化行业组件库、WinCC消息套件(短信、钉钉、微信、电邮)和通用控制框架等代表了行业内顶尖水准的作品。多个产品被应用于诸多世界500强企业的多个项目,比如SIEMENS、中信特钢集团、LG化学、中海油、中石化等等。
- 2022-06-08 - 收藏