Canadian International School of Beijing
CISB offers a world-class facility with an internationally recognized Canadian Education Curriculum. The grade levels at CISB range from Montessori to Grade 12. CISB is also an IB School.www.cisb.com.cn
- 2016-08-09 - 收藏深圳深美国际学校官网
shenzhen international school,shekou international school,international school shenzhen, shenzhen-Shenzhen American International shool-Shekou
- 2016-08-09 - 收藏Hwa Chong International School
Hwa Chong International School (HCIS) is a member of the prestigious Hwa Chong family of schools, drawing its strength and mission from a century old tradition of educational excellence and philanthropy. Established in 2005 with the endorsement of the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the Economic Development Board of Singapore (EDB), HCIS is part of Singapore’s endeavour to diversify the local education landscape and offer more educational pathways and connections with the region and the world. As a local international school, at least half of the student population consist of Singaporean students, and the rest from over 20 countries.
- 2016-08-09 - 收藏Chinese International School汉基国际学校
Home - Chinese International School www.cis.edu.hk 漢基國際學校 中國香港北角寶馬山校園徑一號 (852) 2510 7288
- 2016-08-09 - 收藏BCIS官网
BCIS - Beijing City International School Beijing City International School - News, Events & Updates Welcome to the Beijing City International School (BCIS) website. I hope it provides you with helpful information about our vibrant school community. Our school’s mission is “to educate and empower students to be compassionate and inspired people, who act for the good of all and for the sustainable development of the world”. This has given rise to our school motto: “Empowering and inspiring through challenge and compassion.” We are a school that focuses on academic excellence and confidence building, while nurturing in our students a strong sense of social and environmental responsibility. We celebrate the fact that each student is different, as a person and as a learner, and we aim to offer a personalized education specifically designed to stimulate the intellectual curiosity of each child.
- 2016-08-09 - 收藏华东康桥国际学校官网
- 2016-08-09 - 收藏昆山经济技术开发区国际学校
昆山经济技术开发区国际学校是昆山经济开发区创办的十二年一贯制的现代化、寄宿制学校。学校建于1996年,占地面积120727平方米,总建筑面积46000平方米,拥有位于青阳校区的国内部和中华园校区的国际部。学生总数达3500多名,教职工400多名,其中专职教师270多名。 18年来,学校始终坚持以“爱”为原则,以学生的健康发展为重点,秉承“一切为了孩子,为了孩子的一切,为了一切孩子”的办学宗旨。全校师生员工同心协力,艰苦创业,营造了一个学生喜欢,家长放心的育人环境,着力形成双语教学、信息技术教学、科技教育和心理健康教育特色。一大批具有创新意识和实践能力,既有文明修养又有扎实的文化基础知识,既有大家风范又有学习动力的莘莘学子从这里走向国内外高校,从昆山经济技术开发区这走向成功。
- 2016-08-09 - 收藏潍坊高新国际学校官网
- 2016-08-09 - 收藏