广东食品药品教育服务网gdfda.org广东省药品监督管理局事务中心,于2021年5月经广东省机构编制委员会批准成立,为广东省药品监督管理局直属事业单位,公益二类。地址:广州市东风东路753号之二13楼 邮编:510080 执业药师注册:020-37886909 药学技术人员备案:020-37886366 培训业务:020-37886021 药师继续教育:020-37886910
- 2022-03-11 - 收藏翎客航天官网linkspace
翎客航天官网http://www.linkspace.com.cn/Founded in January 2014, LINKSPACE is the first private rocket company in China. We focus on rocket VTVL and reusable technology, aiming to provide frequent, reliable and low-cost launch services to the world. The company is headquartered in Beijing, with a rocket assembly plant and test base in Shandong and a suborbital commercial launch base in Qinghai.
- 2022-03-10 - 收藏