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- 2022-09-01收录时间
安谱隆半导体官网https://www.ampleon.com/Created in 2015, Ampleon is shaped by more than 50 years of RF Power leadership. The company envisions to make the world a better place through innovation in high frequency applications based on the advanced GaN and LDMOS technologies. Ampleon has more than 1,600 employees worldwide, dedicated to enable their customers to be successful with RF Power products through close cooperation and partnership, innovation, and excellent execution. Its innovative, yet consistent portfolio offers products and solutions for 4G LTE and 5G NR infrastructure, industrial, scientific, medical, broadcast, aerospace, and defense applications.
安谱隆半导体官网 安谱隆半导体 半导体官网 半导体 www.ampleon.com
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